About Rene: helping you make it over the finish line, with a clear training plan at hand. 

Me, and cross-country skiing and why you can rely on me to coach you to the most exciting endurance sport.

“My name is Rene, I admit, I’m a cross country ski-addict”. Well – I’ve said it. It can’t be helped.

I’m not only an enthusiastic Nordic skiing coach. Because I also like the challenge to compete with my peers.

After a roller ski training session

If you’d told me in 2012 that I’d be obsessed again in XC skiing, I would have laughed out loud. That’s because it has been some time from doing regular sports, never mind competing as an athlete.

I’m a mountain guy, born and raised up in a tiny village in the Swiss Alps.

When I was 2 years old, I started downhill skiing taught by my father who was a ski instructor and mountain guide. As a Junior skier, my passion was Alpine skiing until one day, I double fractured my left leg in a nasty fall while skiing.

I must admit that at first, I didn’t like cross country skiing. It took more than a ski season before I got comfortable on the skinny skis.

Alpine skiers often regard XC skiing as a sport done only by older folks. Nothing could be further from the truth as a group of young skiers found out in the early 80’s in Whistler, Canada.

Cross-country skiers taking a break in Switzerland

Then life took over and regular training wasn’t a priority anymore. In fact, I became almost sedentary for a while.

So, it was necessary to change to a more active lifestyle. And that required some discipline before it become a habit.

I remember when I started exercising again a little over 9 years ago, in 2012 to be exact.

At first, I lacked motivation to do anything physical. I was struggling with low back, neck and joint pain. So, there had to be an answer to get back on track to be active again.

Then, one day I stumbled across my old training logs for elite cross-country skiers. It showed exactly how I prepared my mind and body to get in top shape.

I adjusted my training according to my age. That means easy endurance sessions, balance and stretching exercises. And I also added some specific strength exercises to strengthen my muscles.

Within a year, my chronic back, neck and joint pain went away. I had more energy, controlled the daily stress, and I was able to feel good about life again. And today, I enjoy competing with like-minded endurance athletes.

Now, you may think that it was quite easy for me to get back into shape again. And this because I grew up in a perfect environment with my parents owning and operating a ski shop. My father even built the first tow lift and  chairlift in our valley.

Winner of the classic-style Euroloppet half marathon

But things have changed – a lot – since retiring from ski competition.

You know, the sport of xc skiing has changed a lot. Over the past decades, enormous improvements in equipment and track preparation occurred. There were also significant developments in skiing techniques that increased skiing speed.

And when you have been inactive in this sport for a while, you have to learn new things again.

What does this short story about me have to do with you?

I want to share my knowledge and passion with you as an upcoming XC Ski Master. I invite you into my world, with a life full of adventures and lasting memories.

And you can experience those emotions too.

I understand that you may not get involved at the level of an Elite Nordic Ski Master.

But you might like to know something about recreational cross-country skiing. That might be more exciting and fulfilling than to hit the tracks only once a month.

Checking out the race course in perfect weather conditions

Or you want to avoid the boring indoor training routine during the winter. Many world class endurance athletes in different sports do that and even race to get fit for the summer.

And besides building fitness, you prevent most aches and pains that sooner or later may hit you as you age. Improving your lifestyle through exercise as you age to stay healthy is a wise choice.

In my earlier years, I was a ski instructor for both Alpine as well as Cross country skiing.

Today, I coach ambitious Master athletes like you. Nordic skiers of both sexes from age 40+ to compete in xc ski races in their age group. Most also compete in the summer in road- and trail running as well cycling events.

It’s an interesting sport to coach and I’m excited to advice you how to use your time to reach your sporting goal. Don’t do the same mistakes that beginning Master endurance athletes often do.

Because when you get older, you must approach things a little different. And having the right coach beside you is worth the effort.

How I aim to add value to your cross-country ski racing adventure: my "mission statement"

I help recreational endurance athletes to age dynamically, smart and pain free by participating in age-group competitions for exciting adventures and lasting memories through experienced based sports activities.

In doing this I strive to help my audience (that’s you!) lead a more active lifestyle you always wanted. It’s a lifestyle that adds to your health and well-being.


I strive to do this by:

  •  motivating you to take responsibility for your health by being active through sports
  • reducing stress by getting more active in a fun way with other like-minded
  • increasing to understand the value of a healthy, natural diet for you and your family.


My primary focus is to help people, especially women, discover cross-country skiing and to participate in friendly age-group competitions. I believe, that xc skiing is the perfect sport for women athletes of any age because:

  -  of its low impact

  -  you get incredibly fit like in no other sport

  -  you can handle high stress levels much easier

  -  it protects you from pain, suffering as you age

  -  it allows you a great training diversity


I achieve this by writing well researched, easily understood articles and through my experience in competitive sports. I’m competent to do this because I have raced for many years as an endurance athlete. I’ve taken the time to research books, articles, and the science of Nordic ski training.  

I broadcast this through providing tools which you can apply to use immediately: personal for you created training plans with detailed information and easy-to-follow strategies.

I perform as an example because you will see me actively demonstrate the techniques in training sessions, using experiences through words, photos and video. You can watch me lead the way, by avoiding my mistakes and setbacks to increase further know-how and skills so that I can coach what really works in practice.

I aim to encourage you by providing a devoting approach and presenting you trustworthy and useful feedback according to my knowledge and understanding which both inspires and gently advises.

I am always open to feedback and dialogue about anything that relates to information on this website.

Why you can trust me: I'm a certified cross-country ski and downhill ski instructor. I have also coached Nordic skiers for a number of years.

But more than those certificates are my xc ski racing experiences over the years. I was lucky to have been coached by some of the world’s best xc ski coaches.

Like most elite cross-country skiers in Central Europe, I was employed as a custom's officer. As an athlete I was supported through the custom's office so that I could compete in National and International XC ski races.

So for many years, cross country ski racing was my profession until I moved to Canada to receive my helicopter license. It was a dream come true.

In Canada, I continued ski racing for 11 more years mostly at the Provincial and National level. During that time, I won many ski marathons. I won the Caribou ski marathon and came in second twice, which was for many years the second biggest marathon in Canada.

Today, I can pass along that knowledge through coaching to like minded masters endurance athletes.

I don’t rely on what I hear. I read all the scientific facts that come from recognized sports scientists.

From this, you have to realize that each athlete is different, both in specific abilities, and most importantly, in their performance potential.

But, through systematic, accurate and careful efforts, I can help you realize your xc ski racing potential.

If you want to hear more about recreational cross-country ski competition, why not sign up to my newsletter for a free weekly training tip?